Forum OpenACS Q&A: What is the gameplan for fixing migration issues?

What is the timeline is for fixing outstanding migration issues with the new site?
Posted by Jeff Davis on
I don't think there is one.  I have been fixing things
haphazardly and certainly not to any plan.

Which issues do you mean?

Posted by Walter McGinnis on
I now have two accounts from what was a single user account on the old site (i.e. the data now needs to merged to one account) and daily notifications for the forums still don't seem to be working.
Posted by MaineBob OConnor on

Hi Jeff,

One "Bug" in the forums that I'd like fixed as soon as possible or at least by Thanksgiving 😊 is the LAST POST field which reports the date time of the FIRST POST in the thread. This makes it hard to comment on an older thread or see NEW comments to an old thread.

I started this thread, now on page two about other Forum issues:

Also, this post by Robert Locke about the Forum Search Function problem never got answered:



Posted by Jeff Davis on
If you want to fix the last post date, why don't you fix it in a 4.6 checkout and I will merge the change to the site.

We (dave Bauer actually) removed forum search and since sitewide search indexes forums it works much better (and is hugely faster).

Posted by Stan Kaufman on
I've posted a patch that I believe fixes this last-date problem (described here: The patch is here:

I'm not sure how the release on the patch page ended up getting listed as 4.2. The patch was created against the current 4.6 branch in cvs.

Posted by Stan Kaufman on
I forgot to make clear in the sdm that the patch is for /packages/forums/www/forum-view-postgresql.xql. I can't help with an Oracle fix I'm afraid.
Posted by Walter McGinnis on
I had a "batch notification" in my inbox this morning.  I thought that someone must have fixed daily notifications, but strangely there was only one message within the email.  I was expecting a whole days worth.
