Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Installing Oracle 8.1.7 on Redhat 8.0

Posted by Jeff Davis on
It works pretty much out of the box on redhat 7.3. You do have to download the docbook xsl stuff but xsltproc and all the other dependencies are satisfied with a vanilla install (although there are some inconsistencies with the latest version of openacs.xsl and docbook). Maybe we should have a tarball of the docbook stuff and some clearer instructions on how to make things work. Also, I don't think anyone will fault you for making the change in the xml and just telling Roberto or Vinod about it...
Posted by Dan Wickstrom on
For redhat 8.0, I used a vanilla install (I think they called it workstation install), and  while xsltproc was installed none of the docbook stuff was installed.  I was able to find the correct style sheets, but the rpm install puts them in a different location than expected by the current documentation build process.  A tarball with clearer instructions would probably go a long way to making it easier to update the docs.

I can't see passing all of the doc updates off to Roberto and Vinod, as that creates a bottleneck.  Not that I'm impugning their work, but I think it's better if any developer can easily update the documentation on their own.  After all, just recently, Roberto suggested we should halt all development work to fix the documentation.  Making the documentation easier to update, might help in making it so such extreme measures are not necessary.