I think you have some good points there. Swedish is not such a personal language. So de-personalization would be the way to go.
I would, however, like to remark on the word "editera". In my opinion that is "Swenglish". Edit is best translated to "redigera". A good online swedish-english dictionary can be found here:
I also think that the separation of words, in Swedish called "särskrivning" should try to be avoided. And to make the translation of links more user friendly/recognisable, it is a good idea to look at how common functions are translated in the Windows family with relatives. (I think I have seen this suggestion in the forum thread discussing german translation.)
I am, by the way, new to all this and did my first installation of OpenACS yesterday. 😊 Although I have a few years experience of other collaboration software and document management systems. A few years ago I even translated a document management system client to Swedish.