Thanks for the great answers. I have followup questions :)
- When I try to call functions in psql, it demans all of the variables, exactly typed. How do I call a function directly in psql without specifying all of the parameters?
- The notes create script defines a function:
create function note__new (integer,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,timestamp,integer,varchar,integer)
returns integer as '
p_note_id alias for $1; -- default null
p_owner_id alias for $2; -- default null
p_title alias for $3;
p_body alias for $4;
p_object_type alias for $5; -- default ''note''
p_creation_date alias for $6; -- default now()
p_creation_user alias for $7; -- default null
p_creation_ip alias for $8; -- default null
p_context_id alias for $9; -- default null
v_note_id notes.note_id%TYPE;
etc. Where are all of those defaults actually set? In the acs_object__new call?
- In this the forum thread on attributes, it looks like attributes currently aren't really used, and a tutorial aimed at beginners should ignore attributes. Any vehement disagreement to this?