Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Swedish translation norms

Posted by Staffan Hansson on
Håkan, I think you're right. It was never my intention to dehumanize the dotLRN user experience - after all, I'm a professed humanist. Actually, it wasn't the personalization itself that bothered me, I eventually realized, but the inherent confusion of a link saying "Change My Password". It doesn't appear to be such a big issue after all, though; I haven't come across any other such links. So, I rest my case.

Supported by the dictionary, I've been using the terms "e-post" ("e-postadress", "e-postdomän", etc.) and "webb" ("webbsida", "webbläsare", etc.) and now I'm so used to them that I can no longer understand what I could possibly have against them before. And if they made it into a dictionary they can't be all that bad...

You're contribution is very welcome, Håkan. It has been so far, and it will be whenever it's offered. Thanks.