I just wanted to apologize to translators about the fact that there are going to be some changes to the messages that are translated at the dotLRN translation server (translate.dotlrn.collaboraid.net). Unfortunately this means some messages and their translations are going to be dropped and new ones will have to be added. We don't know yet just how big these changes are going to be and if you are planning on doing massive translations of dotLRN you might want to hold off a couple days until this issue is settled and the set of messages to be translated has stabilized.
There are two reasons why we have to make those changes. Firstly we are making a merge from the dotlrn-1-0 release branch and this will bring a few new texts that need translation. Secondly, as Jarkko Laine (finnish translator) and others have pointed out we need to change the messages towards containing phrases rather than words. As software developers we are quite eager to reuse information, but as Luigi Martini says in the bug tracker (see https://openacs.org/bugtracker/openacs/com/acs-lang/) it seems like we need to give up on the idea of reusing a word in differnt contexts.
I will keep you updated on how our work progresses.