I have once set up something like this for an ACS 3.x site that required access to a second Oracle database. I have no clue whether it will help you with Postgres:
Set up another database pool in your AOLserver config file:
ns_section ns/db/pool/bobdata2
ns_param maxidle 1000000000
ns_param maxopen 1000000000
ns_param connections 5
ns_param verbose $debug
ns_param extendedtableinfo true
ns_param logsqlerrors $debug
if { $database == "oracle" } {
ns_param driver ora8
ns_param datasource {}
ns_param user $db_name
ns_param password $db_password
} else {
ns_param driver postgres
ns_param datasource localhost::bobdata2
ns_param user nsadmin
ns_param password ""
The trick here is that I needed to exclude this pool from automatic access by the database API. The corresponding setting was in parameters/yourserver.ini so I have no clue where you have to set this in OpenACS 4.x and if you have to set this at all.
In the end, you should be able to access the second database with
set db2 [ns_db gethandle bobdata2]