Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Postgresql 7.3 packaged...

Posted by Bart Teeuwisse on

A another couple of PostgreSQL 7.3 and OpenACS incompatibilities:

  1. Datetime and timespan have been dropped. They were already depreciated in 7.0. Fix: use timestamp and interval instead.
  2. Adding integers to timestamps doesn't work anymore. Fix: use an interval instead of an integer. E.g.:
    now() + (365 *20)
    now() + interval '20 years'

With these changes I'm now able to install OpenACS core and several other packages. Let's see how the stand up in actual use.

Most of the changes are backwards compatible except for:

  • "bit" instead bitfromint4 and "int4" instead of bittoint4. The functions "bit" and "int4" are new to PG 7.3.
  • Explicit casting of integers to varchars in PL/PGSQL functions is not directly incompatible with prior PG versions but certainly not an elegant solution.
