How about using db_multirow instead of db_list_of_ns_sets in "list_users_not_cached", and then call template::util::multirow_to_list (I found a bug in this one - see below)? "list_users" could return a memoized copy of that list of lists in array settable format.
If we don't want to hack all the scripts that call "list_users" we could transform the cached list into a list of ns_sets to be returned for now, no?
There does not appear to exist any db api that directly returns a list-of-lists-in-array-settable-format, and that's a shame. Or is it just escaping my eyes...?
Bug in template::util::multirow_to_list:
ad_proc -public template::util::multirow_to_list { name } {
generate a list structure representitive of a multirow data source
@param name the name of an existing multirow data source
@return a representation of a multirow data source as a list,
suitable for passing by value in the form { { row } { row } { row } ... }
@see proc template::util::list_to_multirow
} {
upvar $name:rowcount rowcount
set rows [list]
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $rowcount } { incr i } {
#upvar $name:$rownum row
upvar $name:$i row
lappend rows [array get row]
return $rows
("upvar $name:$rownum row" should be "upvar $name:$i row")
I think Jeff wrote a page about how to make proper patches some time ago, if I'm not mistaken. It would be great if someone can point me to it so I can begin to submit such patches. Thanks.