Forum OpenACS Development: xoOpenAI 0.1d available

Posted by Sebastian Scheder on
Dear all,

I am pleased to announce that xoOpenAI 0.1d, a package which aims to bring AI experiences to OpenACS by providing interfaces to the OpenAI API, is now publicly available [1].

Starting out with the trivial idea of having a ChatGPT-like interface on an XoWiki Page (see also [2]), xoOpenAI 0.1d basically unites 3 concepts:
- A REST interface as available in the OAuth package
- A user interface, inspired by the XoWiki Chat
- The Workflow concept from XoWiki Content Flow [3].

Being at the beginning of its development, the current core features are:
- Callbacks for a user-friendly setup of package instances
- Per-instance package parameters, including OpenAI API credentials
- Conversation Workflows as a foundation for feature-rich environments
- DotLRN integration in the form of an applet + a portlet interface for portal pages

Still, there’s a lot to be done, but xoOpenAI is now structured in a way, I am - for the better part - content with, compared to the prototype presented at the OpenACS Conf 2024.

One last thing:
Two years ago, I was given the chance to work together with Gustaf Neumann and a team of then 6 on the e-learning and assessment platform called LEARN (see, which is based on OpenACS and DotLRN.
I want to thank Mr. Neumann and my colleagues from the LEARN Team (as we call ourselves) including former members, not only for their inspiring work, but also for their support whenever I need it.
The past 2 years turned out to be the most enriching with respect to my professional career, and xoOpenAI is one of the results of this experience - enjoy it!

All the best,
