I for one am quite pleased with the turnaround of AOLserver development in the last couple of months. It now seems much more an open source project, and much less an AOL 'handout' than before.
There were a few minor makefile bugs fixed in the last little bit.
This version will be labeled '3.5beta1' -- this gives it the highest version number of any nspostgres/postgres out there, and should become the new canonical source.
Don, when a stable version is released (I'm thinking a couple of weeks after the beta is released) if the OpenACS CVS version (both at openacs.org and sourceforge.net), as well as the current download pgdriver, just simply Went On Extended Leave, it would be wonderful. If the software download page needs a mirror of what the AOLserver CVS has, that's OK -- but I agree with you -- the OpenACS team has enough things to think about without having to play 'let's release a parallel yet slightly different AOLserver!' all the time.
The driver is one place I think I can make a meaningful contribution to OpenACS and AOLserver.