I had the same problem, but for some reason, when I opened up our main site in Opera browser, instead of IE where I was banned from access, even beeing admin, I had no problem getting access. I do feel we need to add a warning, or even disable the functionality because most people will simply start playing instead of reading manuals ( if available on the subject) this is a realy nasty surprise that cost me hours to overrule.
P.s it would be valuable to have a readble explantion of the beast anyway ( I mean the permission system ) So if there is anybody out there that understands both the groups, and the permissions system ( as they create the greatest confusion), please try to create a document that translates technotalk into plain English, and use some real life examples to give less geekminded people someting to chew on. Right now these 2 parts of OpenACS are a bit like 'Russian Roulette". You never know what will happen. I have no problem playing around and spending hours learning the system, but if changing 1 sylable in the sytem means I no longer have access, we do have a problem. Even having a short guide on how to unlock woudl help many first time users, and help make feel peopel at ease using OpneACS, as I gather that's what why the system is build in the first place.