Firstly, contrgratulations to the development team on this fine acheivement, as a long time user of ACS4.2, its incredible what you have acheived (especially the postgres/oracle duality).
We have written a couple of custom packages for openACS to support our newspaper site (
One takes classifieds from the print product and puts them on the web (classiflow)
The other takes news stories from the front end system that are sent in a neutral XML format and puts them and the images into the content repository as Newsflow documents.
These documents may contain headlines, captions, photos, bodytext etc.
Currently it uses Oracles XML DOM java packages and SQLJ. I am thinking of using the snjava functionality to implement this under postgresql/openACS, is that considered OK by people here or should I use pure TCL, if so what pure TCL XML/Dom libraries are used.
Secondly, I have openFTS running (It was a beast as I was using mandrake rpms of Postgres and not compiling from source but I got there in the end.
I notice that there is a contract for the content repository (ie cr_revisions), does that mean that I will get openFTS searchability by default by using the content repository? (hope so :) )
Finally, when using openFTS does in support any soft of boolean operations?, I did some testing with the notes package and queries like "zebra" not "dog" and it was picking up "zebra" and "dog", does in not support booleans other than and?
Sorry for the generality of the questions, but so much has changed (for the better), and I have not touched the code for so long that templating, content repostitory, acs-objects etc all are looking rather strange again, not to mention openFTS, (spoiled by the ease of intermedia)....
Thanks for any help in advance