Forum OpenACS Development: Content Repository

Posted by Kevin Crosbie on
Has anyone ever had a problem using the proc cr_create_content_file_from_string in content-procs.tcl

It is giving me the following error when it tries to execute "ns_puts -nonewline $ofp $str":

wrong # args: should be "ns_puts ?-nonewline? string"

Is this a problem with the version of Aolserver I'm using?  I'm using 3.3+ad13.

A fix for it would be to use "puts -nonewline $ofp $str", but I'm not sure if that will break a different version of aolserver.

2: Re: Content Repository (response to 1)
Posted by Don Baccus on
This looks like a flat-out bug in code not exercised by any existing toolkit package.  ns_puts just puts a string to the HTTP connection.

Try your fix and if it works submit a bug report and patch to the OpenACS 4 project's bugtracker.  You may need to configure the file channel to binary depending on what your string contains (see "fconfigure" in the Tcl docs).

3: Re: Content Repository (response to 1)
Posted by Kevin Crosbie on
I added that patch.