Forum OpenACS Development: Re: Install error on head

3: Re: Install error on head (response to 1)
Posted by Ola Hansson on
Hmmm. If I submit the "Invoked from within.." message above as html it bombs...

Anyway, here is the error that part throws:

Request Error

can't read "1": no such variable
    (reading value of variable to increment)
    invoked from within
"incr $output(blockquote) -1"
    (procedure "ad_html_to_text" line 203)
    invoked from within
"ad_html_to_text $message(content)"
    (procedure "do_notifications" line 28)
    invoked from within
"do_notifications -message_id $message_id"
    invoked from within
"if {[info exists message(state)] && [string equal $message(state) approved]} {
                do_notifications -message_id $message_id
    ("uplevel" body line 5)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $transaction_code "
    (procedure "db_transaction" line 1)
    invoked from within
"db_transaction {
            set message_id [package_instantiate_object -extra_vars $extra_vars forums_message]

            get -message_id $message_..."
    (procedure "forum::message::new" line 13)
    invoked from within
"forum::message::new  -forum_id $forum_id  -message_id $message_id  -parent_id $parent_id  -subject $subject  -content $content  -html_p $html_p"
    invoked from within
"if {[form is_valid message]} {
    form get_values message  message_id forum_id parent_id subject content html_p confirm_p subscribe_p

    if {!$conf..."
    ("uplevel" body line 59)
    invoked from within
"uplevel {
      ad_page_contract {
    Form to create message and insert it

    @author Ben Adida (
    @creation-date 2002-0..."
    (procedure "code::tcl::/web/" line 2)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
"if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } {

      # ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-date
      adp_init tcl $__adp_stub
    ("uplevel" body line 3)
    invoked from within
"uplevel {

    if { [file exists $__adp_stub.tcl] } {

      # ensure that data source preparation procedure exists and is up-to-date
      adp_init t..."
    (procedure "adp_prepare" line 2)
    invoked from within
"adp_prepare "
    (procedure "template::adp_parse" line 30)
    invoked from within
"template::adp_parse [file root [ad_conn file]] {}"
    (procedure "adp_parse_ad_conn_file" line 7)
    invoked from within
    ("uplevel" body line 2)
    invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
    invoked from within
"ad_try {
      } ad_script_abort val {
# do nothing
    invoked from within
"rp_serve_concrete_file [ad_conn file]"
    (procedure "rp_serve_abstract_file" line 60)
    invoked from within
"rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path""
    ("uplevel" body line 2)
    invoked from within
"uplevel $code"
    invoked from within
"ad_try {
rp_serve_abstract_file "$root/$path"
set tcl_url2file([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn file]
set tcl_url2path_info([ad_conn url]) [ad_conn path_inf..."