Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: ns_sendmail replacement?
I looked at
rfc 2821 and it looks like Til
is right. _ns_sendmail should do the stripping ns_sendmail was doing before sending the "MAIL FROM:" and "RCPT TO:" messages to the SMTP server. The "To:" and "From:" headers in the message body on the other hand should have the fill mail
addresses in them.
Here is a somewhat relevant example from the RFC (it has explicit relaying for the MAIL FROM though):
S: 220 Simple Mail Transfer Service Ready C: EHLO S: 250 is on the air C: MAIL FROM:<> S: 250 OK C: RCPT TO:<ones@XYZ.COM> S: 250 OK C: DATA S: 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF> C: Received: from by ; Thu, 21 May 1998 C: 05:33:29 -0700 C: Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 05:33:22 -0700 C: From: John Q. Public <> C: Subject: The Next Meeting of the Board C: To: C: C: Bill: C: The next meeting of the board of directors will be C: on Tuesday. C: John. C: . S: 250 OK C: QUIT S: 221 Service closing transmission channel
Til is right indeed.
It is a suprise that my qmail mailer has been so forgiving.
To remain RFC 2821 compliant, the extraction of the e-mail addresses should be moved from ns_sendmail
to _ns_sendmail
like so:
proc ns_sendmail { to from subject body {extraheaders {}} {bcc {}} } {
## Takes comma-separated values in the "to" parm
## Multiple To and BCC addresses are handled appropriately.
## Original ns_sendmail functionality is preserved.
## Cut out carriage returns
regsub -all "\n" $to "" to
regsub -all "\r" $to "" to
regsub -all "\n" $bcc "" bcc
regsub -all "\r" $bcc "" bcc
## Split to into a proper list
set tolist_in [split $to ","]
set bcclist_in [split $bcc ","]
## Get smtp server into, if none then use localhost
set smtp [ns_config ns/parameters smtphost]
if [string match "" $smtp] {
set smtp [ns_config ns/parameters mailhost]
if [string match "" $smtp] {
set smtp localhost
set timeout [ns_config ns/parameters smtptimeout]
if [string match "" $timeout] {
set timeout 60
set smtpport [ns_config ns/parameters smtpport]
if [string match "" $smtpport] {
set smtpport 25
set tolist [list]
foreach toaddr $tolist_in {
lappend tolist "[string trim $toaddr]"
set bcclist [list]
if ![string match "" $bcclist_in] {
foreach bccaddr $bcclist_in {
lappend bcclist "[string trim $bccaddr]"
## Send it along to _ns_sendmail
_ns_sendmail $smtp $smtpport $timeout $tolist $bcclist \
$from $subject $body $extraheaders
proc _ns_sendmail {smtp smtpport timeout tolist bcclist \
from subject body extraheaders} {
## Put the tolist in the headers
set rfcto [join $tolist ", "]
## Build headers
set msg "To: $rfcto\nFrom: $from\nSubject: $subject\nDate: [ns_httptime [ns_time]]"
## Insert extra headers, if any (not for BCC)
if ![string match "" $extraheaders] {
set size [ns_set size $extraheaders]
for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} {
append msg "\n[ns_set key $extraheaders $i]: [ns_set value $extraheaders $i]"
## Blank line between headers and body
append msg "\n\n$body\n"
## Terminate body with a solitary period
foreach line [split $msg "\n"] {
if [string match . $line] {
append data .
append data $line
append data "\r\n"
append data .
## Open the connection
set sock [ns_sockopen $smtp $smtpport]
set rfp [lindex $sock 0]
set wfp [lindex $sock 1]
## Perform the SMTP conversation
if { [catch {
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 220 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "HELO AOLserver [ns_info hostname]" $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
## Extract "from" email address
if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $from ig address] {
set from $address
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "MAIL FROM: $from" $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
## Loop through To list via multiple RCPT TO lines
foreach toto $tolist {
if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $toto ig address] {
set toto $address
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO: $toto" $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
## Loop through BCC list via multiple RCPT TO lines
## A BCC should never, ever appear in the header. Ever. Not even.
foreach bccto $bcclist {
if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $bccto ig address] {
set bccto $address
_ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO: $bccto" $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp DATA $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 354 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp $data $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout
_ns_smtp_send $wfp QUIT $timeout
_ns_smtp_recv $rfp 221 $timeout
} errMsg ] } {
## Error, close and report
close $rfp
close $wfp
return -code error $errMsg
## Close the connection
close $rfp
close $wfp
I don't think that's right:
## Loop through To list via multiple RCPT TO lines foreach toto $tolist { if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $toto ig address] { set toto $address } _ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO: $toto" $timeout _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout }The rfc specifies it like this:
MAIL FROM:<> RCPT TO:<>so aolserver would have to do that:
## Loop through To list via multiple RCPT TO lines foreach toto $tolist { if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $toto ig address] { set toto $address } _ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO:<$toto>" $timeout _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout }and while we're at it we might as well join the processing of the $tolist above and the $bcclist - they do the same.
Here's a patch against the original sendmail.tcl that hopefully includes all corrections. I'll try to submit it on aolserver's bug tracker on sourceforge (last time I tried it was not working due to timeouts).
*** root/aolserver/tcl/sendmail.tcl Fri Aug 11 22:04:10 2000 --- aolserver/modules/tcl/sendmail.tcl Fri Jan 17 12:34:59 2003 *************** *** 96,120 **** set smtpport 25 } - ## Extract "from" email address - if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $from ig address] { - set from $address - } - set tolist [list] foreach toaddr $tolist_in { - if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $toaddr ig address] { - set toaddr $address - } lappend tolist "[string trim $toaddr]" } set bcclist [list] if ![string match "" $bcclist_in] { foreach bccaddr $bcclist_in { - if [regexp {.*<(.*)>} $bccaddr ig address] { - set bccaddr $address - } lappend bcclist "[string trim $bccaddr]" } } --- 96,109 ---- *************** *** 160,165 **** --- 149,157 ---- set rfp [lindex $sock 0] set wfp [lindex $sock 1] + ## Strip "from" email address + regexp {.*<(.*)>} $from ig from + ## Perform the SMTP conversation if { [catch { _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 220 $timeout *************** *** 168,183 **** _ns_smtp_send $wfp "MAIL FROM:<$from>" $timeout _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout ! ## Loop through To list via multiple RCPT TO lines ! foreach toto $tolist { ! _ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO:<$toto>" $timeout ! _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout ! } ! ! ## Loop through BCC list via multiple RCPT TO lines ## A BCC should never, ever appear in the header. Ever. Not even. ! foreach bccto $bcclist { ! _ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO:<$bccto>" $timeout _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout } --- 160,173 ---- _ns_smtp_send $wfp "MAIL FROM:<$from>" $timeout _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout ! ## Loop through To and Bcc list via multiple RCPT TO lines ## A BCC should never, ever appear in the header. Ever. Not even. ! foreach toto [concat $tolist $bcclist] { ! ! # Transform "Fritz <>" into "". ! regexp {.*<(.*)>} $toto ig toto ! ! _ns_smtp_send $wfp "RCPT TO:<$toto>" $timeout _ns_smtp_recv $rfp 250 $timeout }