Forum OpenACS Q&A: New openacs web site (Bookings)

We have built a complex web-based booking system for a UK-based indoor ski slope. The main features of this system are:
  • Scheduling of different types of activities on different slopes with a complex pricing and discounts structure.
  • Front desk and Telephone bookings for customers with intelligent activity searching and real-time views of slope activity (live).
  • Rolling booking times of 5 minute intervals for unscheduled reservations .
  • Activity durations down to 15 minute intervals which relate to 5 minute timeslots on the database for future flexibility.
  • Web-based booking for customers (to go live soon)
  • Issuing of slope passes.
  • High performance and failover redundancy.
  • Credit card payments using EPDQ.

    The system is built on an Oracle 8.1.7 database running on Red Hat Linux 7.3. We used OpenACS 4.5 as our toolkit and extended the user maintenance plus the customisations mentioned above.

    No URL as yet until web bookings go live.
    If you want to know more about any of this please give me a shout.
  • Collapse
    Posted by Andrew Lahser on
    What is EPDQ?
    Posted by Brian Fenton on
    Posted by John Holroyd on
    Hi Ciaran,

    Could you possibly give us the details of your EPDQ system, perhaps even contributing the module to the OACS project.


    John H.

    Posted by keith daly on
    I've packaged up the epdq code we used in our system. This facilitates credit card processing into Barclays epdq system. A testpage is included to run the code. You need to register with Barclays and get an ePDQ client id before you can fully use this code. Documentation is included in the package. I'm not sure where I should send the package for general use, if you give me an email address I'll send it to you.
