Forum OpenACS Q&A: URGENT: The Server dont want up!!!

Posted by H. shefaat on
Hi, After restarting aolserver and db (it is runing well since months) i go t the starnge error: WI would be very thankful for hints.
! I got thi s error in prevoius startphase. Umnountig of packes can cause so strang problmes?

errors since First Run 16/Jan/2003:23:19:50 Error: Error sourcing /web/openacs-4/packages/cms/tcl/item-procs.tcl: can't read "item_id": no such variable while executing "return $item_id" (file "/web/openacs-4/packages/cms/tcl/item-procs.tcl" line 57) invoked from within "source $__file " 16/Jan/2003:23:19:50 Error: Error sourcing /web/openacs-4/packages/cms/tcl/publish-procs.tcl: expected integer but got "" while executing "ns_schedule_proc -thread $interval publish::track_publish_status" (procedure "publish::schedule_status_sweep" line 10) invoked from within "publish::schedule_status_sweep" (file "/web/openacs-4/packages/cms/tcl/publish-procs.tcl" line 448) invoked from within "source $__file " 16/Jan/2003:23:20:05 Error: Error executing initialization code block search_engine_driver in /web/openacs-4/packages/openfts-driver/tcl/openfts-driver-init.tcl: Unable to locate /usr/local/src/Search-OpenFTS-tcl-0.2/. while executing "error "Unable to locate $openfts_tcl_src_path."" Notice: Executing initialization code block payment-gateway in /web/openacs-4/packages/payment-gateway/tcl/payment-gateway-init.tcl