Hi all. I'm starting to port some packages over from ACS 3.4 to OpenACS. I'm hoping this will allow me to eventually be using OpenACS full-time, so perhaps I'll be able to contribute a lot back to the community.
But for now I'm stuck in learning curve stage.
Here's my problem: I'm porting a package that keeps track of all of our contracts. The data model, simplified, looks like this:
create table ibr_contracts (
contract_id integer primary key,
name varchar(400) not null,
status char(1) default('a')
constraint contract_status_constraint
check(status in ('a','i','d')),
agreement_date date,
-- the user who entered the original information
author not null references users,
creation_date date not null,
modification_date date not null
This isn't completely ported yet. My question is what do I change the author to refer to? Do I point it to persons? Is this taboo in OpenACS 4.6? I haven't quite figured this out yet, and looking over the documents, they help, but I'm still not quite sure what to do.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.