Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: NetBSD thread implementation - Good for NetBSD-OACS hackers?

I recently tried getting AOLserver/OpenACS to run on OpenBSD 3.2. AOLserver kept crashing at regular intervals in _thread_sys_datetime() or some such. Eventually I decided to move my test machine to FreeBSD, as there was also issues with l10n/i18n on OpenBSD. With FreeBSD 4.7 I haven't had any problems at all. This is with the recommended source packages as platform for OpenACS.

At least OpenBSD 2.8 had a serious bug in the threading library, which caused Zope to fail for me. Seems there may still be a rough spot or two.

I cannot comment much on performance, but the memory footprint of AOLserver running a base installation of OpenACS on OpenBSD caused it to hit the default memory limit for user processes, which is 64MB. On FreeBSD the same conditions causes the AOLserver process to consume around 43MB.


I am running several servers on 3.0 and 3.2 versions of OpenBSD and am not seeing the problems you describe.  I am using the 3.3.1+ad13 version of AOLserver.  I have seen many kinds of weird behavior with the non-ad13 patched source on OpenBSD.  I suspect that it is some kind of linking problem or something to do with the makefiles, but have not examined it further.

I have not seen it quite hit 64MB, but I do give it more via ulimit or via login.conf, where you can assign limits based on user class.

A busy OpenACS 3.2.5 based install takes between 30 and 38MB RAM (plus Postgres processes); my 4.6-beta install takes about 42MB, but not much is used and not many packages are installed.

A heavily loaded instance with lots of caching and modules that I run for one of my customers consumes between 40MB when started and about 95-115MB once it has been running for a few days.