I think it's a reasonably thing to thing about moving something we would have for the majority of the type tables
up into acs_objects. As a starting point, here are the
object types and counts on openacs.org:
openacs.org=# select object_type, count(*) from acs_objects group by object_type having count(*) > 25;
object_type | count
*+ acs_message | 38
+ acs_message_revision | 44
acs_sc_msg_type | 46
* apm_package | 140
* apm_package_version | 44
* apm_parameter | 128
* apm_parameter_value | 658
*+ bookmark | 378
*+ bt_bug | 254
*+ bt_patch | 61
* content_extlink | 125
* content_folder | 117
* content_item | 476
content_revision | 168
cr_item_child_rel | 64
*+ etp_page_revision | 341
*+ faq_q_and_a | 50
*+ forums_message | 32307
membership_rel | 6186
notification | 1486
notification_request | 9832
* site_node | 97
* static_page | 188
*+ url | 504
* user | 6186
user_portrait_rel | 31
I put a * next to those I think have a reasonable shot
at having a name that is non stupid (i.e.
user_portrait_rel could have a name but the name
would simple be the ids in the table concatenated
which seems like a bad thing to denormalize).
I also put a + by those things I think would be better off
in the content repository (etp_page_revision and acs_message_revision are in fact in the CR already iirc).
In looking at the results I am left thinking that most things you actually would want to display to people with
an attached name actually should really be in the content repository anyway and would have names there. I do want to
see the "all new content sitewide", "all content by user X", and "all new content in subsite Y" be fast enough to use
(which includes making permissions fast enough to do this -- something Don is working hard on as we type).