That's only true for objects that are exposed to the user, and one of the fundamental flaws of the thinking of the aD 4.x crew was that exposing all objects to users (admins, at least) via the web is useful.
It's not. Only certain classes of objects should ever be exposed directly to users, even admins. Those that are internal should only be manipulated via web pages with a UI that makes sense to the user.
Having an object name in acs_objects wouldn't bother me particularly, especially if we didn't have to carry the cost of an index on it (i.e. discourage lookup by name). But I think the notion that most named things belong in the CR is reasonable. I also think that most of the named things that don't belong there - site nodes, for instance - ought to be manipulated by intellegently designed pages for those types, which will "know" where to find the name without calling (this is already true for site nodes).
So I'm still in serious need of convincing by more than one voice.
But dragging around columns for a description and html flag is something I can't see any justification for (again, keeping in mind that in PG there's a per-row cost for NULL columns)...