Forum OpenACS Q&A: Question about conditional information display in templates

I am trying as a learning exercise to alter the index.adp page so that the Quick Links table is displayed only if the user that is logged in is a site admin.

To display conditional upon a single user, I think that I could write a call to ad_conn user_id in the index.tcl file and return a 'diplaylinks_p' variable to the .adp page but I cannot find the correct call to check for membership of the admin group.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Many Thanks


The canonical way should be:
ad_page_contract {
} {
} -properties {

set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
set admin_p [ad_permission_p $package_id admin]
passing admin_p to the adp page.
Fantastic, thank you.