I've been installing OACS on a new slackware box, but after a couple aborted attempts due to my own failures, can't seem to create a new tablespace in Oracle due to a permission problem.
I've checked & I am a member of the dba group, the ownership of the ora8 directory is
me.web, and its permission is 775.
However, I still get the following:
SVRMGR> connect internal;
SVRMGR> create tablespace oacs
datafile '/ora8/m02/oradata/ora8/oacs01.dbf'
size 50M
autoextend on
next 10M
maxsize 300M
extent management local
uniform size 32K;
create tablespace oacs4
ORA-01119: error in creating database file '/ora8/m02/oradata/ora8/oacs01.dbf'
ORA-27040: skgfrcre: create error, unable to create file
Linux Error: 13: Permission denied