Forum OpenACS Q&A: Installation

Posted by Tom Mizukami on
I have a few installation questions:

1) I have built the libxml2 and devel source rpms locally, do they have to be installed or linked anyplace special before building Aolserver?

2) Will the OpenAcs head install on Postgres 7.3.x?

3) Will the dotLrn head install on the OpenAcs head?

4) If I install dotLrn 1.0 on OACS 4.6.1 does dotLrn play nicely with other OACS modules not required by dotLrn?

Thanks for any help.

2: Re: Installation (response to 1)
Posted by Janine Ohmer on
1) If you are on RedHat 7.3, you don't have to do anything special at all;  it just all works.  Otherwise I don't know.

2) The core will install on PG 7.3, but not all packages will (and I don't know yet which ones)

3) Yes, the dotLRN head will install on the OACS head as far as I know.  But neither is overly stable.  I would go with dotLRN 1.0 and OACS 4.6 if you're doing anything serious with it.

4) As far as I know there's no problem with unrelated modules and dotLRN.

3: Re: Installation (response to 1)
Posted by Michael Bluett on
See also this thread.
4: Re: Installation (response to 1)
Posted by Tom Mizukami on
Thank you.

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