Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Notes on reinstall of developmental computer
Posted by
Jade Rubick
on 02/13/03 10:14 PM
Good point, Don 😊 I guess practice makes perfect. I think I've installed Oracle about 10 times now, most of it a couple of years ago, when it was truly a horrific experience. I think it will be interesting to compare my Oracle install with my Postgres install. (Rolling up the sleeves).
I'm installing both ACS 3.4 and OpenACS 4.6 on this computer. The ACS uses Oracle, the OpenACS installation will use Postgres. I figure I might as well do all my porting at once..
Finish up Oracle install
- Downloaded acceptance test
cp /tmp/acceptance-sql.txt /tmp/acceptance.sql
This doesn't work, because I copied the /ora8 directory, hence the username and password have already been changed. So I ignore the next few lines.- svrmgrl
- SVRMGR> connect internal
- SVRMGR> startup
- SVRMGR> exit
- sqlplus system/manager
SQL> select sysdate from dual;
I edited the /etc/oratab file, set N to Y.- SQL> @ /tmp/acceptance.sql
- SQL> exit
- cd /tmp
- wget
- cp /tmp/dbstart.txt /ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/bin/dbstart
- chmod 755 /ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/bin/dbstart
(as root)cp /tmp/oracle8i.txt /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle8i
I had to edit the oracle8i file and change 8.1.7 to 8.1.6- chown root.root /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle8i
- chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle8i
- I tested the script and it works.
cd /etc/rc.d/init.d
Downloaded the three scripts.- chkconfig --add oracle8i
- chkconfig --list oracle8i
- su - oracle
- Copied them to /ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/bin/ and chmod them to 700.
When I tested the listener8i script, it didn't work, because I am using Oracle 8.1.6. I had to edit each of the scripts and change 8.1.7 to 8.1.6.- cp /tmp/listener8i.txt /etc/rc.d/init.d/listener8i
- chmod 700 listener8i
- I started the listener back up, and then tested it out, per the directions. Seems to work fine.
chkconfig --add listener8i
- chkconfig --list listener8i
- shutdown -r now
Installing Postgres
- Downloaded Postgres 7.2.3
cd /usr/local/src
- tar xzf /tmp/postgresql-7.2.3.tar.gz
- groupadd web
- useradd -g web -d /usr/local/pgsql postgres
- passwd postgres
- su - postgres
- edited my .bash_profile
(looks good)- su - postgres
- echo $PATH
- Oops I forgot to add in the directories and everything...
- (as root)
mkdir -p /usr/local/pgsql
- chown -R postgres.web /usr/local/pgsql /usr/local/src/postgresql-7.2.3/
- su - postgres
- cd /usr/local/src/postgresql-7.2.3/
- ./configure
- make all
- make install
- cd contribut/tsearch
- make
- make install
- cd
- /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
- /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l /usr/local/pgsql/data/server.log start
- I think I'll create another user instead of joeuser, I'll call it joeuser here though.
- (as root)
useradd -g web joeuser
(as postgres)createlang plpgsql tempate1
y and y- createlang -l template1
- createuser joeuser
- Ran through the mytestdb tests. Works fine.
- su -
- cp /tmp/postgresql.txt /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
- chown root.root /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
- chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql stop
- chkconfig --add postgresql
- We're done installing Postgres. I think it took less than an hour, compared to most of yesterday for Oracle...