A few notes for the forum as I go along.....
OK, have compiled verisign.so again, have mounted payflowpro on the site map and can get the admin pages up just fine.
I noticed the compiler produced a warning about an unused variable 'temp' at line 59. I checked it and it appears to be a declared variable that is not subsequently referenced - I assume this will cause no problem and have ignored it. Aolserver loads verisign.so perfectly well but is unable to connect to host and the payflow admin page shows a long list of failed attempts to connect.
I have tried pinging the host test-payflow.verisign.com and the name resolves but no reply is received (I assume ping is disabled on the verisign server?).
Looking in pfpro.c I noticed that the hostname '*hostname' is hard coded as 'test-payflowpro.verisign.com' and that the port number 'portNum' is hard coded as 443. A couple of gotcha's for those wanting to switch to payflow.verisign.com or those with https listeners configured on different ports.
Also there is a section in an elseif clause that :
printf(">hostAddress> host name 'test-payflow.verisign.com'\n");
printf(">hostPort> host port number '443'\n");
Now I am no c programmer - but these look hard coded to me as well and I wonder if they should reference the values at the top of the file otherwise the log entries will not reflect the actual situation. If so what is the correct syntax?!
I think that the host is actually test-payflow.verisign.net
although the .com resolves to that anyway.
A couple of points of clarification about the comments in the Makefile. Where it says 'Directory where Software Development Kit was unpacked' what it needs is the linux/bin directory within the SDK.
Where is says 'Location of the pfpro lib .so file.' what it needs is the full path and filename for libpfpro.so which is in the lib directory of the sdk.
Having compiled and loaded the versign.so driver, and modified all the above I still cannot connect to the test-payflowpro.verisign.com server.
Any ideas anyone?!