Here is what I've done so far (not committed to cvs yet). I've added a new proc called apm_get_package_files -file_types $file_types -package_key $package_key that finds file paths in the filesystem and is supposed to be the canonical proc for that. It relies solely on ad_find_all_files, apm_include_file_p (exlcludes CVS and backup files), apm_guess_file_type and apm_guess_db_type.
I changed sourcing of sql files (install and upgrade) to use this proc instead of the info file. I also made catalog files be sourced directly from the filesystem and everything seems to be working ok.
I guess I should conclude this change then by removing all file tags in all info files, change the info file xml procs to not read/write files, remove all file db procs we don't need anymore, remove the apm_package_files table, and change the file manage page in the APM.
I feel pretty confident that all this stuff is superfluous now and can be removed. It's just that in terms of number of lines it's such a massive change that I'm a little reluctant to do it...