Application: when you have a list of probable values for a field, but you also must allow other values to be entered. The combo box combines a select widget with a text-input widget, which is hidden unless a particular value ("Other") is selected.
The javascript function works fine with Netscape 6.2 and IE5.5. I also tried it on Netscape 4.79 and Opera 6.01 and found it doesn't work so well there.
1. Add the following to acs-templating/tcl/widget-procs.tcl
ad_proc -public template::widget::combo { element_reference tag_attributes } {
upvar $element_reference element
set combo_select_element_name "$element(name)_combo"
set combo_input_element_name "$element(name)"
if {$element(mode) == "edit"} {
# see if the "other" option should be selected
set selected_value [lindex $element(values) 0]
set select_other_p t
foreach option $element(options) {
set curr_value [lindex $option 1]
if {[string equal $curr_value $selected_value]} {
set select_other_p f
if {$select_other_p == "t"} {
set selected_value "other"
} else {
lappend tag_attributes "style" "visibility:hidden"
# make sure your form template includes the javascript comboChange function!
array set select_attributes \
[list onchange "comboChange(this,'$combo_input_element_name')"]
set output [template::widget::menu \
$combo_select_element_name $element(options) [list $selected_value] select_attributes $element(mode)]
# the properties of this element are divided between
# the select and text-input widgets. the element's name, value
# and extra html attributes are given to the text-input
# widget, while the select widget gets the options.
append output " "
append output [input text element $tag_attributes]
return $output
} else {
return [input text element $tag_attributes]
2. Add the following function to the form template file you're using:
function comboChange(s,tName) {
var t = s.form.elements[tName];
if(s.options[s.selectedIndex].value == "other") {
t.value = ""; = "visible";
} else { = "hidden";
t.value = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value;
3. Assuming you're using ad_form, here is an example element definition.
{title:text(combo) {label "Title"} {optional} {options {{"None" ""} {"Mr." "Mr."} {"Mrs." "Mrs."} {"Ms." "Ms."} {"Dr." "Dr."} {"Other" "other"}}}}
Hope you will find this useful!