Forum OpenACS Development: HEAD borken, errors follows.

Posted by Frank N. on
While attempting to determine wether a potential subsite showstopper (for me) had been fixed in HEAD, I noticed that it doesn't install. PG complains while processing the first part of the installation ('Installing the OpenACS kernel data model... '):

ERROR:  DropTrigger: there is no trigger acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr on relation acs_privilege_hierarchy
NOTICE:  current transaction is aborted, queries ignored until end of transaction block
[*SNIP* Four more of these NOTICEs deleted.]
ERROR:  acs_priv_hier_priv_fk referential integrity violation - key referenced from acs_privilege_hierarchy not found in acs_privileges

AOLserver says:

[23/Feb/2003:11:14:48][879.138394624][-conn3-] Error: Error sourcing ['birdnotes_root']/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/install-data-model.tcl:
psql:acs-create.sql:192: ERROR:  DropTrigger: there is no trigger acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr on relation acs_privilege_hierarchy
psql:acs-create-2.sql:17: ERROR:  acs_priv_hier_priv_fk referential integrity violation - key referenced from acs_privilege_hierarchy not found in acs_privileges

Posted by Dan Wickstrom on
I made some changes to the permissions trigger to speed it up for .LRN installs, and I forgot about all of the work-arounds for the old data-change violation problem that no longer exists.  I'll fix it in a minute.
Posted by Dan Wickstrom on
I'm having some problems with CVS.  I'll post when I get it straightened out.
Posted by Dan Wickstrom on
HEAD should be working now.