FYI, an annoying litle bug in AOLserver 3.3+ad13 just wasted some of
my time, hopefully this info will prevent it from wasting yours: If
you nsv_incr a non-existant nsv key, AOLserver will segfault. This is
easy to demonstrate:
nsv_set foo bar baz
nsv_incr foo nosuchkey
The bug is fixed in AOLserver 3.5 beta 4, and is probably present in
all earlier 3.x versions. It does not exist in 4.0. It's easy to fix
though, it's just one or two lines.
In "aolserver/nsd/tclvar.c
", edit the end of
so it reads like so:
if (hPtr == NULL) {
result = TCL_ERROR;
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "no such key: ", argv[2], NULL);
} else if (result == TCL_OK) {
The bug was the missing NULL at the end of Tcl_AppendResult - very
simple. I also added the "result = TCL_ERROR;
", as it
looked to me like it would otherwise be returning an uninitialized
result, although the official fix to the 3.5.x series does not include
Here's the changelog for the bugfix from SourceForge cvs:
symbolic names:
date: 2003/01/24 20:17:47; author: shmooved; state: Exp; lines: +2 -2
Added NULL as last argument to Tcl_AppendResult for nsv_incr error
message handling the case of an array which exists, and a key that does
not exist.