Forum OpenACS Q&A: connection to multiple server

Hi there,
Can I have multiple physical oracle servers.
If i can, how to query data with multiple connections??

Or u can suggest any other server..
I have my one app on 1 server & I want to make other app on diff server , so could I query tables on the diff server

Posted by Jeff Davis on
you can have a table reside on a seperate oracle instance and alias it within oracle but you would have to read some
documentation to figure it out.

You can also configure a second db server here are some threads you might want to read

Posted by Dipali Dilip Shah on
Do U mean to say that we can't refer to oracle db server residing on different physical server??

Or is it possible??

Posted by Dipali Dilip Shah on
It means we can't refer to oracle db residing on different physical server , Or is there any way for it?
Posted by Jeff Davis on
you can configure a pool in aolserver which references
a second physical db server and with the aolserver db api
you can issue queries to that server and get results
back.  You cannot use the current OpenACS db api for
multiple servers although Andrew Piskorski has done
this  for an older version of ACS and intends at some
point to intgrate the code.

You cannot do a join accross two physical servers without
doing oracle black magic which you will have to learn
about yourself by actually reading oracle documents.
Look at the entire chapter on "accessing remote data" in
the oracle complete reference.

please do not post the same response multiple times.
It is annoying.