Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Daemontools problem with AOLserver

Posted by Tom Jackson on

Well, for one thing, svc never created the supervise directory. Maybe for instance the run file doesn't have the right permissions or something. But one thing is for sure, Michael is getting a lot of advice, but not giving much information to help us out in diagnosing the problem. What is in the run file? Never said. Permissions? Who knows. Also, there is a log directory in the same directory as the run file. This usually creates a problem with svc, because it wants to create a second supervise process there. Maybe it is looking for the log/run file, and can't find that.

What I do is to create a directory structure like this:


;; then 

ln -s /web/control/oacs /service

One thing I am not clear on is how Michael linked the oacs directory in and yet, daemontools didn't auto-start the web service? Maybe svscan isn't even running? No info on that either, although asked for yesterday.

Posted by Michael Olan on
I hope this is just about over. Tom was correct about svscan not running. Now it at least attempts to bring up the server. The bootstrap does not work however. The errors in the log are
Error: dbdrv: failed to load driver 'ora8'
[26/Feb/2003:18:21:32][16971.1024][-main-] Error: dbinit: no such default pool 'pool1'
[26/Feb/2003:18:21:32][16971.1024][-main-] Error: Server startup failed: Error during bootstrapping
[26/Feb/2003:18:21:32][16971.1024][-main-] Error: Error parsing queryfile /home/olanm/web/oacs/www/index-oracle.xql:
[26/Feb/2003:18:21:32][16971.1024][-main-] Error: Error parsing queryfile /home/olanm/web/oacs/www/index-postgresql.xql:
I vaguely remember having this once back in the ACS days, but don't recall the reason just now. Just in case its something obvious here's what is the current senario: Manual startup is ok:
/usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd-oracle -t ~/web/oacs/nsd.tcl
svc -o /service/oacs startup results in the errors above. The run script contains:

exec /usr/local/aolserver/bin/nsd-oracle -it /home/myhome/web/oacs/nsd.tcl -u mylogin -g web