Forum OpenACS Development: Relative Links Work (maybe)
I modified the fs_mount_point/download/index.vuh so that it supports retreiving live revisions from a virtual url which is put together by the file's folder path and the filename like this:
The index.vuh still supports the old "?version_id=blah" style of retreiving content because in the "view details" page, where all the revisions of a file are listed, it's the only way I know of that you can retrieve a non-live revision. Pages retreived this way won't support relative linking of course (better suggestions are welcome) ... (BTW, there doesn't seem to be any way to set which version should be live - we should fix this sometime)
If the code below looks about right - and these are the main changes - I can try to make it work on Oracle, too, and produce upgrade scripts. What do you think?
# packages/file-storage/www/download/index.vuh ad_page_contract { Virtual URL handler for file downloads @author Kevin Scaldeferri ( @author Don Baccus (simplified it by using cr utility) @author (resolution of live revision from virtual url) @creation-date 18 December 2000 @cvs-id $Id: index.vuh,v 1.3 2001/10/31 20:42:07 donb Exp $ } { version_id:optional } if { ![info exists version_id] } { set extra_url [ad_conn extra_url] set virtual_url [string range $extra_url [expr [string first / $extra_url] + 1] end] set folder_path [string range $virtual_url 0 [expr [string last / $virtual_url] - 1]] set filename [string range $virtual_url [expr [string last / $virtual_url] + 1] end] set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set version_id [db_exec_plsql get_live_revision_from_url { select fs_get_live_revision_from_url(:package_id, :folder_path, :filename); }] if { [empty_string_p $version_id] } { ns_returnnotfound } } ad_require_permission $version_id "read" cr_write_content -revision_id $version_id/packages/file-storage/sql/postgresql/file-storage-package-create.sql - new function:
create or replace function fs_get_live_revision_from_url (integer, varchar, varchar) returns integer as ' declare p_package_id alias for $1; p_folder_path alias for $2; p_filename alias for $3; v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_folder_seq integer default 1; v_folder varchar; v_live_revision integer; begin v_folder_id := file_storage__get_root_folder (p_package_id); v_folder = split(p_folder_path, ''/'', v_folder_seq); while v_folder is not null loop select folder_id into v_folder_id from fs_folders where parent_id = v_folder_id and name = v_folder; v_folder_seq := v_folder_seq + 1; v_folder = split(p_folder_path, ''/'', v_folder_seq); end loop; select live_revision into v_live_revision from cr_items where parent_id = v_folder_id and name = p_filename; return v_live_revision; end;' language 'plpgsql';I told you it was a kludge! 😊
If it can be used, though, could the function be cached with "iscachable"?