Forum OpenACS Development: acs-permissions fix for installing dotlrn package.


I had trouble installing the dotlrn package from head and had to make this change to fix it.
Seems related to the permissions changes done in the cvs head. Hope this is the correct way to fix this.

diff -r1.4 security-create.sql
<         drop trigger acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr on acs_privilege_hierarchy;
>         drop trigger acs_priv_hier_ins_tr on acs_privilege_hierarchy;
>         drop trigger acs_priv_hier_del_tr on acs_privilege_hierarchy;
<         create trigger acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr after insert or delete
>         create trigger acs_priv_hier_ins_tr after insert
>         on acs_privilege_hierarchy for each row
>         execute procedure acs_priv_hier_ins_tr ();
>         create trigger acs_priv_hier_del_tr after delete
<         execute procedure acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr ();
>         execute procedure acs_priv_hier_del_tr ();



Posted by Don Baccus on
You can remove these entirely because they were there because of a PostgreSQL bug that was fixed in PG 7.2, and we require that version for dotLRN.

I just removed them and committed the changes to dotLRN 1.0, they'll get copied to HEAD when we do our big merge after dotLRN 1.0 is released.