We have an About OpenACS box on the front page www.openacs.org, and that has
-What is OpenACS?
-History of OpenACS
-Web site credits...
I think we need to have a "Why OpenACS" link, or even better, as the main text just under the "WHAT is OpenACS" and before the "Where can I get it" text (thus motivating it).
I have had a lot of trouble explaining to people who would be candidate users or developers the main exciting points about what the toolkit brings; so I open up to the group to comment on my proposed points below and to add to them. The main idea is that I would want (as a casual visitor) a list of maybe 4-7 _concise_ things that the toolkit brings to the table.
Why Openacs?
-Complete web toolkit solution: handling of users, groups, email notifications, content ownership, plus well integrated and tested components such as forums, bug-tracker, advanced subsite creation, etc.
-Modular: you can add and subtract non-core components and write your own easily
-Advanced permissions allows fine-grained document- and object-level control of permissions; group permissions are 'composed' (i.e. inherited); and content ownership and control can be enforced by a unified system
-High performance script and db-backend supports complex pages such as portals/portlets and heavy-use forums
-Strong community means that there are people who know and can discuss development and core technology issues while one is developing using the toolkit; the community has a well-developed identity at openacs.org and has continuity of leadership and vision, more than can be said for 99% of other web toolkit/CMS/forum software/weblog development projects
Anyone feel that the front page does not need more of a 'hook' summary for the casual postnuke/phpnuke visitor?