Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: package load and restart problems

Posted by John Buol on
<blockquote>> So you didn't start it as root before but now you do and that solved part of your problem...?

Yes, sorry for not being clear.

<blockquote>> What user do you specify in the -u option when starting nsd,

-u nsadmin

<blockquote>> and did you try to su to this user and execute /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql from the shell as this

Yes.  nsadmin belongs to the web group.  The psql binary is owned by the postgres user and the web group.  When logged in as nsadmin I can run psql and use the PostgreSQL interactive terminal and access the very database oACS is using.

The permission was set at 755.  As an experiment, even though the error reads 'couldn't execute "psql"', I changed the permission from 755 to 775 to give the group full rights.  This didn't help either.

Thanks again for helping,