Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: Outdated XML libraries?

Posted by Tom Jackson on

Jeff, this is new behavior. The test case I ran was as follows:

proc sleepy { } {

    ns_log Notice "Sleeping for 120 seconds."
    ns_sleep 120
    ns_log Notice "Finished sleeping."


ns_schedule_proc -thread -once 30 sleepy

When I watch the log, I see the first log notice and used: 'svc -d'. The sched thread kicks into action says 'waiting for event threads...'. My scheduled proc sleeps for 120 seconds an d then prints the second log notice. But then sched keeps on waiting. Even when the event thread is finished, it still hangs.

What did work was to do this: 'svc -k; svc -d', so the heavy handed signal kills everything, then, really before the server has time to shutdown, it gets the signals from 'svc -d' and stays down. It works the other way around as well, but the log doesn't contain the access log message from -shutdown- and the exiting message from -main-.