I am trying to import the oracle dump file of a oacs/dotlrn installation. It gets imported mostly fine, and most parts of the installation even work, but there are some messages like these in the import log:
IMP-00017: following statement failed with ORACLE error 1730:
"select sr.*, o.creation_date,"
" o.creation_user,"
" survey_response.initial_user_id(sr.response_id) as initial_user_id"
" from survey_responses sr,"
" acs_objects o,"
" (select max(response_id) as response_id"
" from survey_responses"
" group by survey_response.initial_response_id(response_id)) latest"
" where sr.response_id = o.object_id"
" and sr.response_id= latest.response_id"
IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1730 encountered
ORA-01730: invalid number of column names specified
ORA-00904: invalid column name
IMP-00041: Warning: object created with compilation warnings
This happens with some views. I can recreate them later manually without a problem, but why can't they be imported? The export is from oracle on linux and the import happens on the same version although it is another machine.
I need to use fromuser and touser like that:
imp mig_target/**** file=aiesec_4_dev_fresh_install.dmp fromuser=aiesec_4_dev touser=mig_target
Does that ring a bell for somebody?