I'm having difficulty getting OpenACS 4.6.1 (beta) to work with PG 7.3.2.
This thread suggests that OpenACS 4.6.1 was to work with PG 7.3.2 (well the thread was back in February). This thread is meant as a heads-up for those thinking of using PG 7.3.2, I'm planning to move back to PG 7.2.4.
The (first) error message is:
[10/Mar/2003:22:51:00][11042.3076][-conn0-] Error: db_source_sql_file: acs-kernel-create.sql:
psql:groups-body-create.sql:220: ERROR: ProcedureCreate: cannot change return type of existing function.
psql:acs-create.sql:303: ERROR: -20000: Insert to composition rels not yet supported
(I have also fixed an error I had been struggling with that manifested itself as "[09/Mar/2003:19:49:44][1160.7176][-conn4-] Error: return: failed to redirect '404': exceeded recursion limit of 3" errors. The parent directory [/home/michael] was unreadable [drwx------] to the webserver user [sitename], and needed chmoding)