Forum OpenACS Q&A: OpenACS How to Contribute and Meet the Team pages

I took the liberty of editing the OpenACS contribution instructions as it was written during the initial release of 4.x and didn't reflect current state of affairs. The page still needs more of a rewrite. For inspiration, see the JBoss contribute page.

I would also like to rewrite our Team Page (I edited it so that it at least wasn't completely inaccurate). For an idea of what I would like it to look like, see the corresponding pages in the JBoss project and in the Plone Project.

I would appreciate if people who want to be included on the team page could post their profile / area of responsibility / interests here so that we can start compiling that page.

Posted by Don Baccus on
Yes, it does needs more updating, for instance a section on the web team.  I think it's accurate to call us a volunteer project but it would be more accurate to mention that a fair amount of project work is funded (not just t-shirts and beer).  Not only is this accurate, but I think  the fact lends credibility to our efforts and that people interested in joining our merry band of miscreants will be encouraged by that fact.

My description should probably mention "project management", either that or I should go on strike :)  Others may want to fine-tune the description of their roles.

Yes, having a team page would be great ...

Posted by Don Baccus on
Jeff's doing some profile package work for Sloan.  It may or may not be possible to define an Oacs group of users who are part of the project and to let them fill in their own profile without much work.  I haven't seen what Jeff's done yet so it's rather fun to put him on the spot ...