Also, if by "around 3.0" you mean ACS 3.0, there was never any "ACS
database Tcl API" per-se as far as I can recall. Just the ns_db API
provided by AOLserver plus a bunch of useful ACS helper procs - aids
to using the ns_db api, not wrappers or replacements.
I think the AOLserver people are still discussing what to do about
hosting non C code modules and applications.
But regardless, the OpenACS db API should always live and be
maintained in the OpenACS CVS, since OpenACS is almost certainly going
to stay the most active user and developer of the code for a long,
long time. What would be very nice is for it and other OpenACS Tcl
utility code to be very easily packaged up and used in other Tcl
environments. (Not necessarily just AOLserver either, although that's
the first and most biggest step.) Which is a much different issue
from whose CVS server the code lives in.