Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Translating dotLRN on my own machine, synching with main tree.

Quick question...

I translated a couple hundred more messages today, on my own server. I'm curious to find out where they are going.

I thought the keys were entered in the lang_message_keys table, and the translation for the key in the .xml file under the catalog directory for the package.

However, I have some messages that I just don't know where they are. They are translated, I can see them as translated under the /acs-lang/admin/ interface, but no .xml file for pt_BR under catalog. I have identified this with the dotlrn-fs package, but I'm not sure if that's happenning with others.

Also, one of the messages has been translated (where to, I don't know) but on the portlet it's showing as untranslated. Why?

Thanks for helping me understand the process.


Roberto, you can export your translations to .xml files by visiting the package manager, then a package's info page, and  clicking the "Internationalization" link there.
Ahh, I see. Thanks Bjorn.

I did that to dotlrn-fs, and it indeed created the .xml file. However, after restarting the server, it still won't show the message.

I tried deleting all the message keys for that package in the lang_message_keys table, then restarting the server so it'd grab the new keys, but the key doesn't show up back in lang_message_keys.

Do I need to select "Import from the .xml file"?


P.S.: Is this documented somewhere so I can stop asking silly questions?