What Dave has stated above is already existing and running. Although I wish I can get some help to move it foward.
Here is how one of the UI looks like
You are free to register and try out the site.
This is the public site that it builds.
(The template is a bit screwy, the top gray nav are the 2ndary navs, Left Nav are the main nav, no link to home page)
There are 3 packages:
BCMS (Basic CMS) - the tcl service package that Dave is describing above.
BCDS (Basic Content Delivery System) - the one that serves the content and merges content with the template
BCMS UI Wizard - a UI package
Anyway I was able to put a little time on it a few days ago, so I am now cleaning out the API. What I hope to achieve is to have a UI BCMS package to just setup (an admin page perhaps) its folder that it wants to manage in the CR. And give a context like say public, intranet, etc. Have a BCDS package serve the folder that is setup for it serve and its context. So a single instance of OpenACS can have different CMS UI and managing different CR folders or the same folders. Also different BCDS serving the CR folders.
I still consider the code as alpha or pre alpha, but the client of Musea is happy and running it on production for a couple of months now.
Right now I will be cleaning out the API, taking really long since my day job is not OpenACS. After that I will make another UI package. Any help would be appreciated especially on the high level direction/design. I am looking at hiring some help so I can move things forward.
A bit more info here: