Forum OpenACS Q&A: Re: FtsEngineDriver not available!

Posted by tammy m on
Oh this is great. It turns out what I did was apply the 2 sql files to template1 db in postgres. Since I had already created my database for OpenACS to use, obviously the changes to template1 did not show up in my OpenACS db. Nothing like being new to OpenACS, tcl, AOLserver and postgres all at the same time. Sigh. (Why did I decide to do it this way when I have been using apache, jsp/jhtml + solid or oracle for so long?)

So in addition to adding the FTS sql to template1, if you have a working OpenACS database already, also add the FTS sql to that database! (duh)

  cd $POSTGRES_SRC/contrib/pgsql_contrib_openfts
  psql template1 < openfts.sql
  psql openacs < openfts.sql

  cd $POSTGRES_SRC/contrib/tsearch
  psql template1 < tsearch.sql
  psql openacs < tsearch.sql

Thanks again fer yer help getting started:)