Jeroen asked this in
another thread:
"I wouldn't mind working on wiki (currently playing with dave's code) - on the wiki topic, what is is your [Jade] opinion? I saw in the wiki-thread that you were in doubt whether to adopt Dave's code or the extend some other wiki package?"
It seems to me that everyone who understand the toolkit better than I do recommends doing it with Dave's code (on ETP). I think it would be easier, however, to just go with Jamie's adapation of Hafeez's code.
I'm not sure how much work it will be to get Dave's code working like a Wiki should, but it may be pretty simple. He's already done most of the work. It does need automatic link generation, and work on the interface. Probably the biggest advantage to working on Dave's code is that he'll probably help you or I out with questions. 😊
I'm putting this on hold for a little while. I still need a Wiki pretty soon, but I may not be able to work on it for a week or two.