I like the direction is going.
My response to Jeroen's question about Wiki's is here: https://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=86000
Don: very good point about calendars. We did this piecemeal for ACS 3.4 (because we needed it), and I've thought for years about how nice it would be to have a calendar that could easily map ticket deadlines, room reservations, project meetings, etc.. to dates.
So the calendar module should also be a pretty foundational part, I agree.
Jeroen, I'm glad you have project management experience! This looks like a good example project! Let me see, dotWRK is the project, there are subprojects, building all the foundational datamodels, and other subprojects which depend on those subprojects, such as actually building the applications. Then we have tasks, which we'll take on, which will have deadlines... ..............