Forum OpenACS Q&A: Performance

Posted by Jeremy Cowgar on

I am just curious what type of performance people are getting with OpenACS. I think something may be wrong with my system, or maybe I just need to spend the time to do it right.

Anyway, an example is running apache benchmark on the bboard list. I have 1 forum defined with two messages in it. I recieve 1.2 requests/sec.

Thanks for any input.


2: Re: Performance (response to 1)
Posted by Jeff Davis on
Depends on your hardware I guess but it sounds awfully slow. I get about 5 requests per second from ab on a server with 300k messages and 50k users (athlon 1800+ XP, 1gb, ide disks and which is also running oracle and 4 other test servers). Did you vacuumdb -f -z dbname?
3: Re: Performance (response to 1)
Posted by Don Baccus on
Greenpeace can sustain on the order of 100 hits a second (probably about 20-25 dynamic pages a second) with two single-processor AOLserver PCs (PIII 733s or something like that) and a Sun E250 running Oracle (a pig that any decent dual-processor PC would pound into the ground.)

The site's highly dynamic but we do some custom caching of content.

Make sure you have verbose turned off in your logs, that you have sufficient buffer cache defined for PG, that your OpenACS server is in performance mode, etc before measuring speed.

And as Jeff's said that you've vacuum analyzed your database.

What's your hardware?

4: Re: Performance (response to 1)
Posted by Don Baccus on
Also you probably want to test the forums package, not the bboard package, as we're phasing out the latter due to it's horrible implementation.
5: Re: Performance (response to 1)
Posted by Jade Rubick on
I was wondering if it might be the Forums package. Everything else on the website seems fast except for the Forums, and posting in particular. Not complaining, just curious if that's what it is.
6: Re: Performance (response to 1)
Posted by Don Baccus on
We haven't figured out why the forums posts here are so slow -  they aren't on test systems seeded with huge amounts of users and all that.  No one's had time to dig into the issue on the site (Jeff's looked a bit but not enough to pin it down to where we might be able to fix it.)  It appears to be something peculiar with

We also have a memory leak issue at  Something else that we don't see on test sites and that others who have live OpenACS 4 sites don't seem to be seeing.  Sloan's huge dotLRN site or the busy Greenpeace site, for instance.  Forum posts work fine at Sloan, for instance.

It's kinda weird ...

PG 7.3 has nice stats gathering capabilities, if we can move up to it before long we'll be able to start tracking this down.