Forum OpenACS Development: HTTP Auth Utilitiy procedures

Posted by Dave Bauer on

I have created some HTTP authentication utilitity procedures. They are adapted from the HTTP auth support in the WebDAV suppoert package.

I am thinking we can add this to acs-tcl. Any comments?

To use it you'd call http_auth::register_filter -url_pattern /some_url/* -proc proc_name Where proc_name is a procedure that takes two arguments -user_id and -url and returns True or False is the user_id has permission to access the url. Code included below:

# packages/acs-tcl/tcl/http-auth-procs.tcl
ad_library {
   Use openacs user logins for HTTP authentication

namespace eval http_auth {}

ad_proc http_auth::set_user_id {} {
    Get the user_id from HTTP authentication headers.
    NOTE: This should be handled through SSL since plain
    HTTP auth is easy to decode
} {

    # should be something like "Basic 29234k3j49a"
    set a [ns_set get [ns_conn headers] Authorization]
    if {[string length $a]} {
        ns_log debug "\nTDAV auth_check authentication info $a"
        # get the second bit, the base64 encoded bit
        set up [lindex [split $a " "] 1]
        # after decoding, it should be user:password; get the username
        set user [lindex [split [ns_uudecode $up] ":"] 0]
        set password [lindex [split [ns_uudecode $up] ":"] 1]
        ns_log debug "\nACS VERSION [ad_acs_version]"

        ns_log debug "\nHTTP authentication"
        # check all authorities
        foreach authority [auth::authority::get_authority_options] {
            set authority_id [lindex $authority 1]
        array set auth [auth::authenticate \
                            -username $user \
                            -password $password \
                            -authority_id $authority_id \
            if {![string equal $auth(auth_status) "ok"]} {
                array set auth [auth::authenticate \
                                    -email $user \
                                    -password $password \
                                    -authority_id $authority_id \
            if {[string equal $auth(auth_status) "ok"]} {
                # we can stop checking
        if {![string equal $auth(auth_status) "ok"]} {
            ns_log debug "\nTDAV 5.0 auth status $auth(auth_status)"
            return 0
        ns_log debug "\nTDAV: auth_check openacs 5.0 user_id= $auth(user_id)"
        ad_conn -set user_id $auth(user_id)

    } else {
        # no authenticate header, anonymous visitor
        ad_conn -set user_id 0
        ad_conn -set untrusted_user_id 0

ad_proc http_auth::register_filter {
    {-proc ""}
} {
    Setup HTTP authentication for a URL pattern

    @param url_pattern Follows ns_register_filter rules for defining the
    pattern to match.
    @param proc Name of tcl procedure to call to check permissions. Use this to\
 figure out what object the URL pattern matches to. This proc should accept two\
 named parameters user_id and url. Should return a valid Tcl true or false valu\
e. If empty the site_node matching the URL will be checked.

    @return Tcl true or false

    @author Dave Bauer (
    @creation-date 2007-03-08

} {

    ad_register_filter preauth GET $url_pattern http_auth::authorize $proc
    ad_register_filter preauth POST $url_pattern http_auth::authorize $proc
    ad_register_filter preauth HEAD $url_pattern http_auth::authorize $proc


ad_proc http_auth::authorize {
} {
    Check HTTP authentication for an openacs user account and
    call the registered procedure to handle the URL to check
} {
    set user_id [http_auth::set_user_id]
    set proc [lindex $args 0]
    if {$proc eq {}} {
        set proc http_auth::site_node_authorize
    return [eval [list $proc -user_id $user_id -url [ns_conn url]]]

ad_proc http_auth::site_node_authorize {
} {
    Procedure to take HTTP authenticated user_id and check site_node
    permissions. Default if http auth is proc is not specified.
} {
    set node_id [site_node::get_element -element node_id -url $url]
    if {[permission::permission_p \
                -party_id $user_id \
                -privilege read \
             -object_id $node_id]} {
        return filter_ok
    return filter_return
Posted by Malte Sussdorff on
This will allow you to write code under a root node and have it permission checked via the HTTP authorization mechanism, so without the need to actually logging the user in? So you could provide a general mechanism like "/hxo/$object_id", which needs http authentication and will return the object (e.g. as XML) if the user has read permission for it?

I don't see a problem putting this in HEAD maybe along with a simple implementation (it is always nice to be able to grep the ACS source code to see how a procedure is actually used).

Posted by Dave Bauer on
Malte, well the example is sort of right there in the code. The site_node_authorize proc will check permissions per site node. The site node proc only checks read permissions. For WebDAV, for example, we check the HTTP Method and decide what permission is required for each method.

This is a adaptation of the code I created to use HTTP authenticaiton for RSS feeds, so yes, allowing it to work for arbitrary objects would work as long as you created an index.vuh or a registered procedure to handle that URL as well.

This code does set the ad_conn user_id if they are authenticated, so you can continue to process the request in the normal way, using the familiar OpenACS features.