Forum .LRN Q&A: Re: Student administration

2: Re: Student administration (response to 1)
Posted by Peter Marklund on
looking at the code quickly here is how the redirection seems to work. On every request to an OpenACS server the proc rp_filter will run (see acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-procs.tcl). In that proc

permission::require_permission -object_id [ad_conn object_id] read

will be invoked if we are in a user page and the same command with privilege admin is invoked if a page under package-uri/admin is requested.

The proc permission::require_permission will redirect the user to the login page if he doesn't have permission and isn't already logged in. If the user is logged in and doesn't have permission a permission denied page will be displayed instead.

3: Re: Student administration (response to 2)
Posted by Vamshi Krishna Kaniganti on
hi peter
thanks for the reply,
i am working on dotlrn and created some students, and a another table,with the start date and end date, if want to block the students to access their pages after the expiration of the end date.
do i need to modify the user-login page which is under the acs-subsite/www/register/ in order to check the end date and doen't login them is this is the correct way of approach i want some guidance regarding this.

thank you